Feb 10, 2022 | Aviate, Communicate, The Buzz
Lola Reid Allin’s presentation [about women in aviation and other non-traditional occupations] impacted me in a way that made me want to go for things I feel passionate about. She explained how she really wanted to be a pilot when she was a young woman but not...
Jan 28, 2022 | My Travels, News and Events, The Buzz
ARMCHAIR TRAVEL TIPS ~ Guided by pilot, photographer & adventurer Lola Reid Allin I admit it. I’m addicted to SLOW TRAVEL. Since 1993, I’ve done multi-day camel safaris in India, Tanzania, & Morocco and earned my Dog Mushers Certificate (Yukon). I’ve travelled...
Jan 4, 2022 | Aviate, Communicate, My Travels, News and Events
Stay tuned for my memoir AGAINST THE WIND. Fleetwood Mac’s haunting lyrics first reached into my soul four decades ago when I was married to an alcoholic filled with joie de vivre & anger. In 1978, marriage provided FINANCIAL security (men made 35% more than...
Nov 20, 2021 | Communicate, Get ready to go!, My Travels, Navigate
Thanks so much to everyone who attended my TRAVELOGUE PowerPoint, VietNam: The Dragon Reunited, last night…a great turnout despite COVID & pre-registration requirements....
Oct 31, 2021 | Communicate, My Travels, Navigate, News and Events
Glacier Lake, Akshayuk Pass, Looking toward Mount Asgard Join us on Monday, September 20th, 2021 for Trek the Akshayuk Pass, Lola Reid Allin’s personally-narrated, photographic chronicle of her challenging 10-day, 98-km trek through snow-covered mountain passes...